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Divorce and other family law issues impact every family member in a unique and personal way and can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. Larimer Law is highly experienced in helping clients explore their options, discuss their concerns, and find out as a team which legal method is the right path for your family and for you.  Angela Larimer will discuss general expectations and goals, as well as the nuances of what each parties’ rights and obligations may be.  The primary objective: to let you leave the first meeting empowered with the knowledge to know which path to take to get to a successful new phase of your life.

In some cases, Mediation or Collaboration simply will not work if one spouse will not fully disclose his or her finances, play fairly or have the children’s best interests at heart.  Sometimes, amicable methods are not an option, for example, where a spouse may be looking 1) to use court as a means for revenge, 2) to try and conceal assets, and/or 3) avoid his or her legal obligations: in cases such as these, Litigation may be the only option.


Most family law cases in Illinois, however, are in fact litigated.  That does not mean that clients need to spend thousands of dollars litigating over who gets to keep household appliances or even the family pet.  After practicing in domestic relations for almost 20 years, Ms. Larimer has developed many innovative and alternative ways to handle difficult disputes.  In many instances, she can first work directly with your spouse or the other parent to try and reach a fair settlement.  If the other party is represented by counsel, she always seeks to resolve issues in an amicable and reasonable way. If such amicable efforts are not an option, she promptly sets the issue for hearing and efficiently moves the case towards its final resolution.


Straightforward Problem Solving

Clients come to Angela Larimer because they know of her reputation for deep integrity and a straight-forward approach to complex problems.  She has the expertise, skill, and talent to resolve the most challenging family law issues.  Angela Larimer is patient and persistent in negotiation and balances her consummate skills and resources to help clients have the best possible outcome. Larimer Law works especially hard to secure the stability and support clients and their children deserve, while bringing both compassion and exemplary negotiation skills to the table.  Angela Larimer takes pride in knowing that she empowers her clients with the information needed to guide them in the right direction and to provide the certainty of protection for them and their families.


4801 W Peterson Ave., Suite 414
Chicago, IL 60646

Office: 773.902.0200

A Law Firm Devoted Exclusively to Family Law Issues
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©2024 Larimer Law LLC | 4801 W Peterson Ave., Suite 414  Chicago, IL 60646

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